Home Education Heritage Trainings – When our mentorship turns into a European award

Heritage Trainings – When our mentorship turns into a European award


🎉 Exciting news!

In December last year HAEMUS director Vasilka Dimitrovska, MSci. conducted a mentorship training session for the “Young European Heritage Makers” competition. The training was well-received and drew the attention of many passionate educators, particularly those teaching in primary and secondary schools throughout Macedonia. One of the attendees was Tanja Stojanovska Petkov, a dedicated teacher from OOU “St. Clement of Ohrid” in Drachevo, Skopje.

Our mentoring of European projects has led to a big win for teacher Tanja Stojanovska Petkov and her second grade students at Elementary School “St. Clement of Ohrid” in Dracevo, Skopje! They were awarded for the best “European Young Heritage Creators” for their incredible “Macedonian Tradition” project, and we couldn’t be prouder to have played a small part in their success.

The project highlights the traditional craft of creating dolls from everyday objects like wooden spoons, brooms, and straw, using fabrics and wool. Through this, the project teaches students about the history and culture of Macedonia, and how girls and boys used to play with these dolls in the past.

It’s an honor to have been involved in such a valuable project, and we are thrilled that heritage interpretation it’s been recognized at a European level. Check out the full project here.