Home Anthropology HAEMUS part of Skopje Kreativa 2017 with Rosalia – the festival of...

HAEMUS part of Skopje Kreativa 2017 with Rosalia – the festival of roses


HAEMUS – Centre of Scientific Research and Promotion of the Culture will take part at Skopje Kreativa 2017 with “Rosalia – the festival of roses”. Rosalia – the festival of roses is an ancient Roman celebration, which took place between the months of May and June. As part of the HAEMUS’ brand SCUPINI ROMANI “Rosalia” aims to promote and popularize the cultural heritage of the Roman era, but also the contemporary Macedonian national celebrations, beliefs and customs. The event will be of educational and promotional character, and will be performed under UNESCO’s moto for Open Educational Resources.


Official web site: http://scupiniromani.mk

Info abott Skopje Kreativa

“Skopje Kreativa ” is a Festival of Creative Industries. In 2017 the festival will take place in the Youth Cultural Centre from 4th to 6th May, and the moto of this year’s festival is “Do Create! Co-create!”. Every year the programme entails various aspects of the creative industries, including numerous project presentations, workshops, forums, lectures, exhibitions, music events, each of the presented by national and international experts and professionals in creative industry field. This festival is supported by the local government of the City of Skopje, co-organized by the Congress Center “Aleksandar Makedonski” and it is a part of the programme for support and development of the creative industries of Skopje.

Official web site: http://skopjekreativa.mk