Home Archaeology Fourth Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry

Fourth Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry


4th-BSA 27th– 30th September 2014 Nessebar, BULGARIA

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the Fourth Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry.

The Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry is a biennial meeting, the first being held in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia in 2008, the second – in Istanbul, Turkey in 2010 and the third – in Bucharest, Romania in 2012.

BSA 2014 will be held from 27th to 30th September, 2014 in Nessebar, Bulgaria. Organizers of the symposium are the Institute of Solid State Physics and the National Institute of Archaeology with Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Co-organizers are Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and Museum “Ancient Nessebar”.

The Symposium will be focused on main aspects of archaeometry, the application of modern experimental methods and techniques used in dating, investigation and identification of ancient artifacts, as well as related fields of archaeology and art history.

The 4th BSA meeting will be organized in 4 days: a 3-day conference presenting sessions (invited, oral and poster presentations) and one-day workshop. At the workshop the participants will see demonstrations and will participate in experiments in situ with portable apparatus at real archaeological sites or in museum rooms. In addition to scientific seminars, a wide range of social programs including city tours and visits to historical places will be available.

The Organizing Committee also encourages companies and institutions to showcase their modern products and equipment in the conference area.

Further information will be available on our symposium web site: http://bsa4.issp.bas.bg. Specific questions concerning further information can be sent by e-mail to: bsa4@issp.bas.bg

We are looking forward to meeting you at BSA 2014 in Nessebar.

With our best regards, Margarita Grozeva, Chair 4th BSA Petya Penkova, Secretary 4th BSA e-mail: bsa4@issp.bas.bg http://bsa4.issp.bas.bg