Home Anthropology Rebranded logo of Pivara Skopje AD after HAEMUS research was introduced in...

Rebranded logo of Pivara Skopje AD after HAEMUS research was introduced in public


Somewhere at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, the cooperation of HAEMUS with Pivara Skopje AD (today part of the Heineken group) started. The brewery company Pivara Skopje AD together with the companies Evropa and Alkaloid is one of the three factories that have been building the identity of the city of Skopje and its economy for the last hundred years.

As a part of this long term collaboration, one of the HAEMUS tasks was researching the history related to the development of the company originally called “Parna Pivara AD Skopje” (Steam-powered Brewery PLC Skopje”), by acquiring the original archive documents. After we completed a successful visit of the Archives of Yugoslavia in Belgrade in 2019, the original historical documents about the beginnings of the company were found, including the Articles of incorporation, as well as various documents about the development and ongoing activities of the brewery during the period 1922—1939.

A new rebranded logo of the company bearing the 1922 founding year, was introduced through thеir social media in public on 17.02.2020. As researchers who discovered the original document about the foundation of the company, we are proud that our work is the basis for rebranded logo of Skopje’s Brewery company. This new logo, which builds its visual identity upon the previous logos of the company and historical and cultural heritage of the brewery, has a representation of the entrance to the administration building embedded in-between two factory buildings with chimneys, which in a semi-circle are framed in cereals.