Home Archaeology Local Supply for Chipped Stone Tools from the Site of Rug Bair

Local Supply for Chipped Stone Tools from the Site of Rug Bair

Balkan flint from Rug Bair


Local Supply for Chipped Stone Tools from the Site of Rug Bair


This paper presents the results of the analyses of raw material used in the production of chipped stone tools collected during the excavation of Rug Bair. Through the analyses of the stone artefacts, an attempt was made at constructing a more comprehensive picture of the raw materials and petrologic characteristics of the chipped stone industry at Rug Bair. The stone tools from Neolithic sites in the Republic of Macedonia have not been thoroughly analyzed in terms of raw materials. The absence of this analysis complicates the identification of the raw materials that were used by the inhabitants within the Neolithic settlements in Macedonia, including their provenance, the geographical distribution area in which the residents were moving, as well as the question of interaction with other simultaneous populations.

Balkan flint from Rug Bair


Reference: DIMITROVSKA. V., Local Supply for Chipped Stone Tools from the Site of Rug Bair, Haemus journal Vol. 1 (2012), Skopje, 11-28.


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