Home Cultural heritage HAEMUS gave a lecture about Custom Martinki at “Lazo Trpovski” Elementary School

HAEMUS gave a lecture about Custom Martinki at “Lazo Trpovski” Elementary School


On March 18, 2021, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Milica Patraklieva as coordinator, Vasilka Dimitrovska, director of HAEMUS, gave an online lecture in front of over forty  students, where the tradition of “Martinki” was explained through a visual presentation. “Martinki” is an intangible cultural heritage inscribed in UNESCO, and its legal bearer for Macedonia in UNESCO is HAEMUS.

This lecture was part of an ongoing project that was set to culminate with a celebration on April 18, World Heritage Day, involving professors-coordinators and students from the following elementary schools: “Lazo Trpkovski”, “Lirija”, “Tefeyuz”, “26 July”, all located in Skopje.

The aim of this project, initiated by “Lazo Trpkovski” Elementary School, is to foster love and care for both tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the various ethnicities in Macedonia as a symbol of multiculturalism. Additionally, it aims to promote respect for different cultural traditions, encouraging the young population to responsibly preserve and nurture them.