Home Archaeology Bronze Age wreckage oldest in Turkey

Bronze Age wreckage oldest in Turkey



Within the scope of the Underwater Heritage Studies of Dokuz Eylül University (DEU), a Bronze Age wreckage dating back to 4,000 years ago has been discovered in Hisarönü Gulf in the western province of Muğla’s Marmaris district. It is reported that the wreckage has taken the title from Kaş’s Uluburun ship wreckage, which was known as Turkey’s oldest wreckage site.

The remains, located 50 meters away from the coast 25-30 meters deep, include very rare amphora forms, as well as kettle-shaped pots and ceramic cups in various forms.

Bodrum Mayor Mehmet Kocadon said in a statement that the wreckage was older than the Uluburun ship in Kaş. “Three Bronze Age wreckages were found during underwater studies over the last 50 years.

Kettle-shaped pots were seen for the first time. The remains were delivered to the Bodrum Underwater Museum for analysis. Next year, further studies will continue at the wreckage site,” he said.

The Underwater Archaeological Studies that have been headed by DEU Maritime Sciences and Technology Institute and Aegean Regional Studies Applied Research Center (EBAMER) Deputy Director Associate professor Harun Özdaş have recently been finished. Bodrum Municipality’s STS School Ship was used in the studies, which mainly focused on the Ottoman era wreckages.

In a region between Bodrum and Finike, during more than 100 dives in 35 different areas, the 10 wreckage sites have been discovered.

Source: hurriyetdailynews