Home Anthropology CALL FOR PAPERS: XXXVIII Annual meeting of the SAS

CALL FOR PAPERS: XXXVIII Annual meeting of the SAS


XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society
4-6 June 2013
Pirot, Serbia

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you that the 38th Annual meeting and the Assembly of Serbian Archaeological Society will take place in Pirot, 4 – 6th June 2015. During the Conference the exhibition “Bulgarian archaeology – the Past and Present” will be presented and the block of presentations on new developments of the Bulgarian archaeology. The third day of the Conference is reserved for the one-day excursion to Sofia. We are therefore suggesting all colleagues who will participate the conference to inform on time the organizers of their intention to visit Sofia, in order to ensure adequate transportation. The details about Conference program, hotel accommodation and excursions to Sofia, will be notified in the meantime.

All presentations will be organized in regular sections of the SAS ( Palaeolithic and Mesolithic, Prehistoric sections, Section for Antiquity, Section for Medieval period and Section for bioarchaeology) and 5 thematic sessions (at least five presentations per session are needed for these proposed sessions to be accepted).


1. The Usage of Terminology in Prehistoric Archaeology: -When I Say ______, I Mean _______- (Radmila Balaban, Milica Lopičić, Natalija Ćosić)
2. Exploitation of raw materilas, exchange and trade in the Prehistory (Selena Vitezović, Dragna Antonović)
3. Occupational stress markers as indicators of social, economic and gender differences in society (Ksenija Đukić, NAtaša Miladinović-Radmilović)
4. The problems of identification and interpretation of the open the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites in Southeast Europe (Dušan Mihailović)
5. Timor mortis et lemures – fear of the deceased and magical-religious rituals in otherworldly cult (Jelena Dvijetić)

The Serbian Archaeological Society invite speakers to submit abstracts not longer than 300 words to vfilipov1@gmail.com. The deadline is 31st March 2015.