Home Anthropology HAEMUS joins the International Archaeology Day 2014

HAEMUS joins the International Archaeology Day 2014


To celebrate the International Day of Archaeology 2014, the Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture “HAEMUS” – Skopje invites you to a series of lectures in the field of archaeology starting at 19:00, on December 23, 2014 (Tuesday), at the Museum of Macedonian Struggle.

The event is of promotional character and is organized in collaboration with the Archaeological Institute of America. Its primary goal is to popularize Macedonian archaeology and cultural heritage in general. The International Day of Archaeology is a world event that celebrates archaeology and raises awareness of archaeology as a science, at the same time providing an opportunity for public participation in archaeological activities and debates.

The speakers at the event will give 15 min. Presentations, followed by questions from the audience and a debate.

The event  is organized by the UNESCO Club HAEMUS, under UNESCO motto “Open Educational Resources” (OER). The event is supported by the Alliance for OER Macedonia.

Official HAEMUS page on AIA web site: International Archaeology Day 2014 – Republic of Macedonia

Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/376475169174801/




1 MA Marina Spirova (HAEMUS, Skopje)
Landscape, performance and cult activities at the Eneolithic sanctuary at St. Atanas (v. Spanchevo)

2 MA Biljana Garevska (National Museum of Natural History, Skopje)
Paleontology at the glance

3 Valentina Todoroska (HAEMUS, Skopje)
Underwater heritage of the Republic of Macedonia

4 Pero Sinadinovski (independent researcher, Delčevo)
Field survey of prehistoric site in the Raechka plane

15 min. break

5 MA Vasilka Dimitrovska (HAEMUS, Skopje)
Cocev Kamen – when the rocks and stones from our past become science

6 MA Mimica-Velova Graorkovska (independent researcher, Skopje)
One case of sharp forced trauma on a skeleton from Eastern Necropolis of Scupi

7 Dr. Lidija Kovacheva (EuroBalkan, Skopje)
Forms of Fatalistic Beliefs among Ancient Macedonians

8 Dr. Nikos Chausidis (University of Skopje, Skopje)
“Macedonian Bronzes” and the Religious Traditions of Iron Age Cultures in the Middle Balkans