Members of HAEMUS will take part at the upcoming XXVI Annual meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society, scheduled for May – 1 June 2013 in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia. The following thematic sessions are part of the conference:
Archaeotechnology: studying technology from prehistory to the Middle Ages (session convenors: Selena Vitezović and Dragana Antonović)
Reconstructing prehistoric food sources and food habits: procurement,preparation and presentation of food in the Neolithic Balkans (session convenors: Dragana Filipović, Selena Vitezović, David Orton)
The first millennium of Christianity – archaeological findings (session convenors: Dejan Radičević)
From bomb to quern
Vasilka Dimitrovska
HAEMUS – Center for scientific research and promotion of culture
MK-1000, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
This paper will present the results of both field investigations in the Kratovo-Zletovo area, a volcanic region where large amounts of pyroclastic material, such as volcanic bombs, can be found, and of wear-use analyses of these same ecofacts. Due to their symmetrical rounded and oval forms these ecofacts were incorporated/articulated/amalgamated into the architecture as decorative elements, and were apart from this probably used in other ways in everyday life of the prehistoric societies that settled this area. Volcanic bombs are actually pebbles with very good abrasive qualities. Consisting of andesite, a very solid and strong rock, they can be used in the process of making and shaping chipped, polished or abrasive tools. On the basis of stone material such as volcanic bombs that are very specific and characteristic for the RM, an attempt was made to investigate the possible anthropologic use(s) of these natural phenomena and the technological methods of manufacturing stone tools.
Key words: prehistory, Kratovo-Zletovo region, Macedonia, volcanic bomb, row material, andesite, ground, grind, abrasive, tools, hammer-stones, polisher, pounder, retoucher, anvil.
Vasilka Dimitrovska, co-founder of HAEMUS standing in front of Cocev Kamen
with volcanic bomb in the hands.