Home Archaeology Erasmus Mundus Master in Archaeological Materials Science

Erasmus Mundus Master in Archaeological Materials Science


Deadline: 15 January 2013
Open to: European and non European excellent students with Bachelor degree and to professionals in the Museum/Conservation sector
Scholarship: 500 €/1000 € per month



  • Bachelor (I cycle equivalent-180 ECTS credits) degrees from both Science (Physics, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Biology-Biochemistry) and Humanities (Archaeology, Conservation Science, Cultural Heritage Studies) academic fields

ARCHMAT is a 2-years Erasmus Mundus Master Course within a consortium of 3 HEI (Evora-UE, Rome-UNIROMA1, Thessaloniki-AUTH) as full partners, 5 HEI (Avignon-UA, Palermo-UNIPA, Zaragoza-UNIZAR-ICMA, Fez-UF and Rio de Janeiro-UERJ) and 3 non HEI Research centres (Laboratorio Jose Figueiredo/Instituto dos Museus e da Conservacao-IMC, Scientific Laboratory Musei Vaticani-MV, Archaeological Museum of AIANI) as associated members, providing students with specialized skills in archaeology and

  •  analytical charaterization of materials from prehistory (megalithic) to classical times (Greek and Roman).


ARCHMAT, the ERASMUS MUNDUS European Master in Archaeological Materials Science is open to European and non European excellent students with:

  • It will also be open to professionals in the Museum/Conservation sector that requires updating their knowledge and personal skills in in this highly specialized field providing they are holder of a Bachelor (I cycle) degree and possess an excellent academic background in the general fields of Archaeology-Museology-Conservation science-Cultural Heritage.

Candidates who will only obtain their first higher education degree at the end of the academic year preceding the one concerned by the scholarship application can nevertheless apply for a scholarship and be selected by the consortium concerned, under the condition that they acquire the required degree prior to the beginning of the masters course edition concerned. More information about linguistic skills required can be found here.



Category A scholarships can be awarded to third-country masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than a European country (27 EU Members + Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland) and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in these countries Category A students are from countries eligible under the programme. Eligible countries are defined in the EM Programme Guide as “a Member State of the European Union, an EEA-EFTA State, Turkey, the Western Balkan countries or Switzerland”

  • Flat contribution to tavel, installation, visa related costs and any other type of costs – 8.000 €
  • Contribution to Participation Costs – 4.000 € per semester
  • Monthly Allowance – 1.000 € per month

Category B scholarships can be awarded to European masters students selected by EMMC consortia as well as to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above It should be noted that, while the Category A scholarships should be considered as “full scholarships” covering all necessary costs of the student during his/her study period in Europe, Category B scholarships have to be considered as a “financial contribution” to the student’s costs while following his/her EMMCstudies

  • Contribution to Participation Costs  – 2.000 € per semester
  • Monthly Allowance  – 500 € per month

Students fulfilling the eligibility criteria for both Category A and B – e.g. students with a double nationality – must select the Category of their choice. As a result, they are entitled to apply only to one of the two categories of scholarship at a time.

Application procedure

Applications to the Archmat: Erasmus Mundus Master in Aarchaeological Materials Sciences can only be submitted online. Please note that you need to register first by filling your name and email address. You will be then sent an email with a link where you will validate your registration and select a password of your choice to be used when you enter the Application procedure database. Deadline is at 23.59 hours CET on the 15 of January 2013.

Candidates have to upload all of the following documents during the different stages of the application procedure:

  • Proof of nationality (passport copy with photo)
  • Scanned (translated) copy of the University diploma required for the enrolment in the ARCHMAT (Bachelor/I cycle degree in Physics, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Biology-Biochemistry, Archaeology, Conservation Science, Cultural Heritage Studies)
  • Scanned (translated) Copy of transcript of study results
  • Curriculum vitae and Studiorum (EUROPASS format)
  • Motivation letter (maximum 1 A4 page)
  • Letter of recommendation by two academic referees. On your application page, you will be asked to name the two referees of your choice. The two referees will be contacted directly from the ARCHMAT Selection Committee and they have to submit their reference directly to the ARCHMAT secretariat and not through you
  • Scanned copy of TOEFL Language Proficiency Certificate 87 [iBT] or of IELTS Certificate (minimum overall band score =6) or Cambridge Certificate or proof of at least 1 year English-based instruction at University level
  • Scanned declaration signed by the candidate that the eligibility criteria for a EM scholarship described in the SCHOLARSHIP section of the ARCHMAT website have been fulfilled

Official website

 Original source: mladiinfo

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