Home Archaeology EAA 2017 Call for Papers: HAEMUS and Novitas Heritage hosting how Living...

EAA 2017 Call for Papers: HAEMUS and Novitas Heritage hosting how Living History can help to interpret Archaeological Heritage


EAA 2017, Maastricht, NL

Call for Papers

Using Live Interpretation, Living History / Re-enactment and Museum Theatre to interpret Archaeological Heritage


Session: #330

Theme: Interpreting the archaeological record

Session format: Discussion session: session with pre-circulated papers

Title: Using Live Interpretation, Living History / Re-enactment and Museum Theatre to interpret Archaeological Heritage.

Content: Heritage Sites use a number of tools to interpret their stories for the public. Live interpretation, also called costumed interpretation, uses live actors who portray the role of a historical persona. These characters tell the story more effectively than a static display, but also present a number of challenges.

Within the international community, the terminology surrounding heritage interpretation is under debate. Terms such as ‘inclusiveness’ and ‘authenticity’ are being questioned and their use is being challenged. UNESCO believes that tourism is changing and heritage sites, including archaeological sites, should be ready to provide the ‘authentic experiences’ tourists now pursue. But what is ‘authentic’ and how can this be quantified? Do people visiting European sites receive a European, inclusive story? Or does inclusiveness automatically include exclusion as well?

During this session, we would like to give best practice examples of live interpretation and living history being used to great effect. We would then like to use these examples to have an open discussion on the use of such techniques and how they relate to both inclusiveness and authenticity.

The sessions is with kindly support of EXARC.

Deadline by 22nd march 2017.

How to apply for a session contribution at EAA 2017

You have to login first at the official conference web site to submit an abstract for EAA2017 and then you can start your contribution. Please follow the steps and check before apply doe you already payed your EAA anual fee and the conference fee.









Keywords: Live interpretation, Re-enactment, Authenticity, Inclusiveness

Official link for the session: EAA 2017 – Session: #330

Many thanks to our partner EXARC for sharing the upcoming EAA session 2017 organized by HAEMUS and IMTAL-Europe at their web site.  We invite anyone interested in participation in using Live Interpretation, Living History / Re-enactment and Museum Theatre to interpret Archaeological Heritage to join our session.   

The team of HAEMUS and Viminacium archaeological park at SCUPINI ROMANI – International Festival of Ancient Roman Culture, 06.11.2016, Skopje, Macedonia



Marc van Hasselt (Novitas Heritage, NL) mvh@novitasheritage.com
Vasilka Ditrimovska M. Sci. (HAEMUS, MK) dimitrovska@haemus.org.mk