As an organization that deals professionally in the field of cultural heritage, we need a digital visualization of our work. For this reason, in addition to the basic HAEMUS’s website which is quite extensive due to the wide range of our work, we have several other websites dedicated to the presentation and promotion of heritage.
This includes our two brands: “The Grandma March day Custom” which is important to us since HAEMUS is legally safeguarding this tradition in UNESCO and “Scupini Romani”, a program created to promote ancient Roman culture. Then, we have a special portal for our official UNESCO Club HAEMUS, website of HAEMUS Travel, social enterprise of HAEMUS in the field of creative cultural tourism, as well as two online stores.
Тhis is a part of the interview given by Vasilka Dimitrovska, director of HAEMUS for the MKhost, a web hosting company with which we have a long-term cooperation. Тhe interview given in Macedonian language is mostly about the importance of the internet in the development of civil society organizations in Macedonia. Read more at this link!