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CONFERENCE: Heraclea Sintica: from Hellenistic polis to Roman civitas (4th c. BC-6th c. AD)


The American Research Center in Sofia, the National Institute of Archaeology with Museum and the Museum of History in Petrich invite you to the conference Heraclea Sintica: from Hellenistic polis to Roman civitas (4th c. BC-6th c. AD), September 19-21, 2013 in Petrich.

The conference brings together 21 scholars from different fields to present their latest research and excavation results on the archaeology and history of Heraclea Sintica. The topics of presentations include historical geography, text-critical analyses of literary sources and inscriptions, new syntheses of archaeological and numismatic data, art historical treatments of little known or unpublished artifacts, etc. By addressing a variety of subjects and utilizing different methodologies, we aim to provide a holistic and diachronic view of the site’s complex history, from a tribal center of the Sintians to an important Roman provincial town. The conference also includes a site visit to Heraclea Sintica, the Museum of History in Petrich and the Regional Museum of History in Blagoevgrad. A small exhibit of selected finds from one of the city’s rich necropolises will be on display in the Regional Museum of History in Blagoevgrad.

Link for the conference program and paper abstracts: http://goo.gl/2USWUI

Source: arcsofia.org