Damjan DONEV
Campus Argestaeus: a Landscape Frozen in Time (a field report)
In this article we present the results of the first season of a small, micro-regional survey project in the Middle Vardar Valley. After a brief description of the survey area’s location and the physical environment, we discuss the method of fieldwork and the preliminary findings. It is possible that in Antiquity, the wider study region was the hinterland of the town Argos on the Vardar, mentioned in historical texts and in the epigraphic record; hence the title of the project. One of the most fascinating aspects of the survey area is the incredible stability of settlement and land-use. It’s been already ascertained that the surveyed basin presents a stable settlement niche, inhabited in more than one occasion in the past.

Reference: DONEV D., Campus Argestaeus: a Landscape Frozen in Time (a field report), Haemus journal Vol. 1 (2012), Skopje, 217-229.