Home Cultural heritage HAEMUS supported and translated “Berlin Call to Action” in Macedonian

HAEMUS supported and translated “Berlin Call to Action” in Macedonian


The Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture – HAEMUS from Skopje, supported and translated into Macedonian language the “Berlin Call for Action” as a joint initiative of all Europeans who have the particular importance of preserving, safeguarding and protecting the cultural heritage. HAEMUS invites Macedonian citizens to join and sign this call for action that focuses on the promotion of European cultural heritage and finds inspiration and legitimacy in the expertise, enthusiasm and engagement of all people who care about the common world heritage (tangible, intangible and digital) and who, as professionals and volunteers, dedicated their expertise, time and energy to pass this heritage to future generations. So far, the call has been supported by institutions, civil society organizations, individuals and companies from the business sector who come from over 48 countries.



As an organization who supported and on our initiative translated in Macedonian language “Berlin Call to Action”, we consider this document as a greatly definition about the future of Europe. Recognition of cultural heritage as a priority in financing and creating European policies is an ambitious plan that includes all sectors, especially civil society. Fostering the common heritage can contribute to a deeper understanding of our past, present and future, encouraging people to have a better way of life in Macedonia.

The focus of the “Berlin Call to Action” is the cultural heritage as the base for the future of Europe, and the initiative comes after the first European Cultural Heritage Congress held between 18-24 June 2018 in Berlin, Germany. The initiative was launched by three organizations: EUROPA NOSTRA, the German Cultural Heritage Committee and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, as a direct inspiration from the successful European Union campaign in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

You can sign “Berlin Call to Action” online at EUROPA NOSTRA’s web site: