Home Interpret Europe Inspiring and long-awaited training for Certified Interpretive Trainers

Inspiring and long-awaited training for Certified Interpretive Trainers

Group Photo of Certified Interpretive Trainers, Image Credit: Helena Vičič

Exciting news! 🌍

Vasilka Dimitrovska, Creative Director of HAEMUS, recently participated in a special training organized by Interpret Europe to become one of the 20+ European trainers for heritage interpretation.

In 2019 she earned the title of Certified Heritage Interpreter through accredited trainings by Interpret Europe – European Association for Heritage Interpretation. This marked the beginning of her unique professional journey, intertwining roles as a HAEMUS’s heritage consultant for Pivara Skopje AD and a scientific consultant for several significant EU projects fundamentally rooted in heritage interpretation.

Vasilka Dimitrovska, creative director of HAEMUS is certified heritage interpreter and also Country Coordinator of Interpret Europe for Macedonia

Somewhere along the way, she also took on the role of National Coordinator for Interpret Europe in Macedonia. We are thrilled that professionals in the field of natural and cultural heritage, who attended our recent interpretive training: “Heritage as the Foundation for Sustainable Cultural and Natural Tourism”, in celebration of European Heritage Days (EHD) / Journées européennes du patrimoine (JEP) 2023 which Ms. Dimitrovska led, recognized that interpretation is a powerful tool with a methodology immediately applicable in our daily lives.

Recently, she was a part of an inspiring and long-awaited Certified Interpretive Trainers course which was held in the breathtaking location of Arnoga (Italy). More than 20 participants from 13 European countries joined the community of certified interpretive trainers, so we are proud that Ms. Vasilka Dimitrovska will be one of the 20+ heritage interpretation trainers in Europe.

The article “Training of the trainers” coauthored by Vasilka Dimitrovska and Daniela Ruçi in the Interpret Europe newsletter (winter 2023)

Check out her latest article co-authored with her colleague Daniela Ruçi, published in the Interpret Europe newsletter (winter 2023). In it, she captures the experience of the training for European heritage interpreters held in the heart of the beautiful Alps in Italy.

To cite this article: Dimitrovska, Vasilka & Ruçi, Daniela (2023) ‘The training of trainers‘ in Interpret Europe Newsletter 4-2023, pg.12-13.

Click here for the Interpret Europe Newsletter 4-2023 and be inspired!