Home Anthropology The BASEES 2014 Annual Conference

The BASEES 2014 Annual Conference


RGB_logo_baseesThe BASEES 2014 Annual Conference will take place 5-7 April and will be based at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

Proposals are invited for panels, roundtables and papers for the 2014 Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies.

Panels, roundtables and papers are welcome in the areas of Politics; History; Sociology and Geography; Film and Media, Languages and Linguistics; Literatures and Cultures; Economics. The conference especially welcomes participation by postgraduate research students and by young scholars.

To propose a panel or a paper you will need to fill in a proposal form. There are separate forms for panels/roundtables and individual papers. The panel/roundtable form is available here and the form for individual papers is avalable here. You should download the appropriate form and fill it in electronically, and email it as an attachment to both the appropriate subject stream email (see below) AND to the conference email address: info@basees2014.org

Postgraduate members of BASEES who present papers are eligible to apply for financial support towards their conference costs. Please download and completethis form and email it as an attachment to both the subject stream of your panel or paper (see list below) AND to the Conference email address:info@basees2014.org

The deadline for panel/roundtable proposals is 1 October 2013, and 16 September 2013 for individual paper proposals.

Proposals should be submitted to the appropriate subject group:

The congress also welcomes proposals for postgraduate posters. The poster will be displayed throughout the conference. Please fill in the proposal form (availablehere) and email it as an attachment to the conference email address info@basees2014.org and the Dr Matthias Neumann m.neumann@uea.ac.uk by 1 December 2013.

General enquiries about the conference are welcome at info@basees2014.org

Source: http://www.basees2014.org/