In the Ancient theater (II century AD) listening the music performance
The Roman city of Stobi in Republic of Macedonia is located on the main road that leads from the Danube to the Aegean Sea, at the place where the Erigón river (mod. River Crna) joins the Axiós river (mod. Vardar), making it important strategically as a center for both trade and warfare. The pre-Roman period comprises Stobi (near Gradsko) as an ancient town of Paionia, later conquered by Macedon. The first excavation were done from 1924 to 1936 by The Museum of Belgrade when was discovered currently the most of the visible public and private buildings including the city’s theater built in the second century. The most significant finds occurred between 1970 and 1980 by Yugoslav and American archaeologists.
With tourists in Stobi
The tour around this amazing site consider as the biggest archaeological site in the Republic of Macedonia mostly focus on the Roman Forum and the Ancient theater, as well as on the other major buildings (check official web site) which includes: The Episcopal residence, The Episcopal basilica, Northern Basilica, Civil Basilica, Large Baths (Magnae Thermae), Small Baths (Thermae minores), The House of the Psalms, Central Basilica and Synagogue, Domus Fullonica, The House of Peristeria, Half-circle square, The House of Parthenius, The Palace of Theodosius.
Click on the map to enlarge
Objects in Stobi from the map:
1. Theater 2. Gambling house 3. The Episcopal residence 4. Prison 5 Half-circle square 6. Via Sacra 7. Porta Heraclea 8. The Episcopal basilica 9. Baptisterium 10. Domus Fulonica 11. Via Principalis Superior 12. The Palace of Theodosius 13. The House of Parthenius 14. Via Theodosia 15. The House of Peristeria 16. Via Principalis Inferior 17. Large Baths (Magnae Thermae) 18. Public fountain 19. Via Axia 20. The House of Polycharmos 21. Synagogue-Basilica 22. Small Baths (Thermae minores) 23. Civil Basilica 24. Northern Basilica 25. Roman Forum 26. Museum
Standing in Roman forum before the excavation (2007)