The prehistoric period in the Balkans undoubtedly attracts attention related to the questions about the spatial and temporal boundaries of the ancient societies, showing the common patterns, or maybe interweaving cultures. The conference theme “Settlements, culture and population dynamics in Balkan prehistory” is designed to encourage and inspire different ways of thinking about the past in the prehistory of the Balkan peninsula.
Official web site: http://balkanprehistory2015.com/
The main aim of the conference is to gather the experts from the Balkans and wider, and to discuss the latest achievements in the field of archaeology. The topics will be focused on main aspects of Balkan prehistory: methodological and theoretical frameworks for interpreting the archaeological record, artifact analyses and related disciplines. The conference offers the opportunity to get up close to Balkan prehistory and to discover some of the mysteries or challenges about this enigmatic period.
The main topics of the conference are:
• Landscape, settlements and human interaction
• Social relation and cultural dynamics of societies
• Interpretation of cults, rites and symbols
• Technological achievements • Art and material culture
• Bio-archaeological perspectives
• Managing archaeological heritage
• Current research
The ‘Settlements, culture and population dynamics in Balkan prehistory’ conference allows both undergraduate and postgraduate students of archaeology and related disciplines an unprecedented opportunity to share innovative research and views on the past.
Important dates:
October 15, 2014 – Deadline for the submission of Round Tables
October 16, 2014 – Announcement for thematic Round Table/s
October 17, 2014 – Applying for participation in thematic Round Table/s
January 15, 2015 – Deadline for the submission of paper and poster abstracts and participation in Round Table
January 01, 2015 – Early Registration
February 01, 2015 – Late Registration
February 15, 2015 – Registration closed
Further information about the conference please find at the official site http://balkanprehistory2015.com
The conference is being organized by HAEMUS – Center for scientific research and promotion of culture.