HAEMUS is frequently collaborating with Wikimedia Macedonia in order to improve the contents of the Wikipedia in Macedonian language. HAEMUS recognizes that Wikipedia is a frequently-used source of information; therefore, our collaborators tend to ensure that all topics concerning the history, archaeology and cultural heritage of Macedonia are adequately reflected in the pages of this digital reference database, but also that they are well-written, professionally accurate, informative and accessible.
Wiki marathon 14.03.2012
HAEMUS helps recruit Wikipedia volunteers, mainly students of history, archaeology and classical philology; after attending instructional classes on working with Mediawiki, organized by the Metamorphosis Foundation Macedonia, the students contribute to the project by adding, expanding and correcting information. In addition, students are usually adding personal photos and documentation from their field work, thus releasing Creative Commons-licensed material and enriching the Wikimedia Commons repository.
The joint efforts of V. Sarakinski, V. Dimitrovska and I. Shumadieva of the Metamorphosis foundation have so far resulted in three successful wiki-marathons. In the future, HAEMUS, Wikimedia Macedonia and the Metamorphosis Foundation Macedonia intend to schedule these wiki-marathons as a regular trimestral event.
Wiki marathon 18-19.10.2012