ESRARC2014 – the 6th European Symposium on Religious Art – Restoration and Conservation which will be held on 09 – 11 June 2014 in Florence, Italy.
ESRARC2014 intends to be a global assembly for specialists in history, theology, arts and conservation sciences to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques for the Conservation and Restoration of the Religious Art.
We are looking forward to meeting you at ESRARC 2014.
Please disseminate this information to other colleagues that might be interested in.
Topics of ESRARC 2014:
The socio-spiritual values of the Religious Art
– Artistic and cultural evaluation
– Historic, theological and social perspectives (past and present)
Conservation and restoration of religious cultural heritage
– Environmental impact
– Analytical, diagnostic and intervention methodologies
– New materials for the conservation and restoration
– Monitoring and scheduled maintenance
Specific questions concerning further information can be sent by e-mail to: esrarc2014@icvbc.cnr.it