Home Anthropology Download Free Archaeology Books From the Getty Museum

Download Free Archaeology Books From the Getty Museum


Getty Publications just announced the launch of its Virtual Library, where readers can freely browse and download hundreds books from the publisher’s backlist catalogue.

The Virtual Library consists of texts associated with several Getty institutions. Readers can view extensively researched exhibition catalogues from the J. Paul Getty Museum, including art books. The collection also contains detailed treatises on art conservation from the Getty Conservation Institute, and scholarly works from the Getty Research Institute, both of which include a multitude of books on specialized topics.

Small Bronze Sculpture from the Ancient World Greek Gold from Hellenistic Egypt Gardens of the Roman World

All of the Getty’s virtual library volumes are available in PDF format, and can be added to your Google Books library. If you are interested in Balkan peninsula history and archaeology, I would like to recommend you to take a minute and look at this web site. You can find a lot of books regarding archaeology, history and Balkan peninsula and Mediterranean world.

Link: http://www.getty.edu/publications/virtuallibrary