Home Creative Europe SheLeadersVR (Creative Europe) – Testing the AR application on locations

SheLeadersVR (Creative Europe) – Testing the AR application on locations


The SHE­Lead­er­sAR appli­ca­tion aims to visu­al­ize the places where the 5 queens used to live to the vis­i­tors on their mobile devices. Present­ly these loca­tions con­tain only more or less pre­served remains of cas­tles, church­es, palaces, and monas­ter­ies, so the vis­i­tors can hard­ly imag­ine how they looked in the past.

The AR appli­ca­tion shows the 3D recon­struc­tions of those remains and the queen telling a short sto­ry about them. The queens invite the users to muse­ums where the VR appli­ca­tion is set up to learn more about them and their lives. After each AR vis­it, the user gets a badge that should obtain some ben­e­fits while vis­it­ing the museum.

In these weeks we test­ed the AR appli­ca­tion on all 5 loca­tions (Bobo­vac in Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, Kruše­vac in Ser­bia, Cetinje in Mon­tene­gro, Skop­je in Mace­do­nia, and Kru­je in Alba­nia). It works very well and some small issues will be fine-tuned soon.

In this project, HAEMUS is involved as a partner engaged in organization and logistics for the part of the story that takes place on the territory of Macedonia, and our creative director Vasilka Dimitrovska, MSci. is additionally involved as a scientific consultant of the SheLeadersVR project.

Testing in Skopje
Testing in Kruja
Testing in Bobovac

Original article by author Selma Rizvic was published here.

SHELEADERSVR project started in 2022 and will run until 2025. This project has received funding from the EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND CULTURE EXECUTIVE AGENCY (EACEA) programme under grant agreement No 101055818.The views and opinions expressed in this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.