Home Anthropology Collaboration



Dear colleagues and researchers,

You may want to use HAEMUS website and its social network to advertise or report on seminars, workshops or events that you believe are of interest about the cultural heritage of the Balkans. Since we publish in digital/e-media, also you can include notes, announcements, letters, requests etc. in the fields of history and archaeology, but also archival science, public history, historic preservation, cultural heritage, museum studies, web–based history, memory studies, and other related areas. We are happy to publish not only reports on excavations and teaching, current research projects and public archaeology, exhibitions and conferences, but also any news or comments about the archaeology and history of Balkan Peninsula, as well as the complementary sciences.


All submitted articles should be written in English. Authors are strongly advised to enlist the help of a native English speaker to have it reviewed and edited so as to enable reviewers to give full justice to the work submitted.

Length and format

As HAEMUS web site is electronic format, please take the following into consideration:

– The limit on the length for reports should range between 2,000-3,000 words and may contain ca. 5 images. Other formats should be around 500 words.
– Submissions should be sent in Microsoft Word (or any other mainstream word processor format) as an attachment to the author’s e-mail message;
– Each submission is to be accompanied by the following information: author’s name, author’s institutional affiliation, author’s e-mail address;
– Titles should not exceed 15 words; they should include sufficient detail, but be general enough to convey the subject of the article;
– Minimum formatting by authors is preferred;
– Unicode fonts should be used without exception; using non-unicode or non-standard fonts may result in significant errors in the text, especially in chunks of text in ancient Greek or other languages that use non-Latin or extended subset characters;
– Any photographs, maps, diagrams or artwork accompanying the submission should be sent as a separate file with the title. One submission may contain ca. 5 images
– Submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment to our official contact, with title in the subject line.

So, if you want to publish a report or announce a conference or project, please submit your manuscript and accompanying images to contact@haemus.org.mk.

Best wishes,

The team of HAEMUS