Home Conference CfP – Rethinking the Framework of Interdisciplinary cooperation between Cultural Heritage, Local...

CfP – Rethinking the Framework of Interdisciplinary cooperation between Cultural Heritage, Local Economic Development, Tourism and Media


Call for papers


Institute for Socio-Cultural Anthropology of Macedonia, Skopje

on partnership with

MIRAS – Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage, Baku, Azerbaijan
ESRA – University for Audio-Visual Arts – Skopje, Paris, New York
HAEMUS – Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture, Skopje, Macedonia

Are organizing the

3rd International Conference
“Ohrid –Vodici, 2015”
– Ohrid, 17-18 January 2015

Rethinking the Framework of Interdisciplinary cooperation between Cultural Heritage, Local Economic Development, Tourism and Media

Over the past few years, a remarkable increase has occurred in the use of visual and digital techniques for the research, documentation, management, presentation and communication of cultural heritage. Printed, video and audio media, as well as “New Media” got a role of a main measures for preserving and affirming of cultural heritage, but and as a main tools for promoting of cultural heritage values as touristic products. This has drastically transformed the way we capture, store, process, represent and disseminate information.

Using of “old” and/or “new” media became a necessary tools in educational process related with anthropology, archaeology, history, art and other humanities and social sciences. Digital humanities, digital anthropology, 3-D archaeology and other interdisciplinary studies increased an interest among many scholars, researchers, students, museum workers, IT programmers, 3D (re)constructors etc.

The purpose of local economic development is to build up the economic capacity of a local area to improve its economic future and the quality of life for all. It is a process by which public, business and nongovernmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation.
Local Economic Development, Cultural heritage, Media and Tourism have a lot of common contact points, interactions and complements. All fields are devoted on explanation and presentation of cultural values of society. Interdisciplinary approach among these realms is giving more qualitative results especially on touristic offers and creation of touristic products. This is extremely important in a process of indication and mapping of anthropogenic and other touristic attractions, as well as on presentation of cultural values through different types of media.


We invite scholars, PhD and MA students, researchers and practitioners in anthropology/ethnology, tourism sciences, media, archaeology, history, art, history of art, philology, literature, folklore, ethnomusicology, architecture, museology, archiving, audio-visual arts, information sciences/ technologies, geography, sociology, psychology and all related fields to submit papers on any topic related to conference theme. Papers may reflect on a wide spectrum of issues related to cultural heritage, media and tourism. The conference is structured around a number of sub-themes that include – but are not limited to:

• Protection and presentation of cultural heritage through media
• Presentation of cultural heritage for tourism purposes
• Economic impact from cultural heritage and tourism
• Digitalization of cultural heritage as touristic products
• Digitalization of collective memory
• Cultural Heritage, Social Networks and “New Media”
• Rural tourism and local economic development
• Tourism and local economic development
• E-libraries and e-learning in context of cultural heritage Economic Development, media and tourism
• Intelligent description of cultural heritage content in interaction with media and tourism
• GIS and spatial information management in cultural heritage, media and tourism
• Virtual Heritage and Media
• Digital reconstructions, 3D modelling of cultural heritage and touristic valorisation
• Reproduction techniques and rapid prototyping in cultural heritage as touristic product
• Multimedia, data management and archiving and their usage in media
• Folklore, ethnomusicology, media and touristic valorisation


Deadline for Application : 17 December 2014
Notification of Acceptance Decisions: 22 December 2014
Registration : 9 January 2015
Conference : 17-18 January 2015

The congress is open to individual submissions for papers and proposals for panels. All applications for papers and panels must be sent to the e-mail: iscanth@gmail.com, by 17 December 2014. The papers accepted upon the assessment of the Program Board will be notified via email by 23 December 2014. Application for papers should content:

• Title of the paper/panel
• Abstract (in English only) not more than 300 words for individual papers, including the main argument and conclusions
• Abstract (in English only) not more than 500 words for panel proposals, including abstracts of panel papers
• Name and title of the author/s of the paper
• Short bio of the author(s) of the paper, not more than one paragraph
E-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the author(s) of the paper.

Congress language is both Macedonian and English.

Institute for Socio-Cultural Anthropology of Macedonia
Skopje, Macedonia, e-mail: iscanth@gmail.com

Contact persons:

Rubin Zemon Ph.D. – chair of the Program Board, zemon.rubin@gmail.com
Samoil Malcheski Ph.D. – Chair of the Organizing Committee, samoil.malcheski@gmail.com
Vasilka Disistrovska M.A. – Public Relations, dimitrovska@heamus.org.mk

Official web site: iscanthmk.blogspot