Home Bosnia and Herzegovina Balkan Museum Network Conference – Meet, See, Do

Balkan Museum Network Conference – Meet, See, Do


Dear colleagues,

Deadline for application to ‘Meet, See, Do’ conference has been extended until 2 April.

The Balkan Museum Network invites you to “Meet, See, Do”. The event will take place between 23-25 April 2013, in Sarajevo. A maximum of 40 participants will be accepted to attend the conference (maximum 2 from each institution). This includes accommodation, travel, visa, lunches and a conference dinner. Per diems are not included.

Key themes of the Conference are:
1. Access & Inclusion;
2. Interpretation & Communication;
3. Cultural Tourism;
4. Developing Successful Projects/Project Management;
5. Museology.

meet see do conference


Working language of all Conference sessions is English (translation will not be provided). The three days will be a combination of key note speeches, dialogue sessions and parallel sessions that will present best practice and practical work from the region and beyond.
“Meet, See, Do!” Conference is linked to a Call for Project Proposals which is available at www.bmuseums.net. It is important that you come to the conference with the project idea, in line with the Call. Organisations who are not at the conference are also eligible to submit project proposals in line with the Call.

Please confirm your interest in “Meet, See, Do” by filling out the form available here

For any questions, please contact:  museums@chwb.org

Best regards,

Diana Walters & Aida Vezic