Martinki event 2016 - Organizers of the Exhibition
The main partners of the project are the entities which signed the institutional cross-border partnership ”National Identities within the United Europe”, in October 2015 in Vidin, Bulgaria. With the presence of Bulgarian national television, the institutional cross-border partnership was concluded and signed between the Buzau County Museum (Buzau, Romania), the Mihalaki Goergiev Regional Library (Vidin, Bulgaria), HAEMUS (Skopje, Macedonia) and the “Library Cultural Center” (Kladovo, Serbia).
The project objectives is to promote and harness the local and national heritage in the interest of the younger generation, as well as to to promote the national and European cultural values among the representatives of local communities in Buzau (Romania), Skopje (Macedonia), Vidin (Bulgaria) and Kladovo (Serbia). The joint actions specific to the project as well as the principle obligations of the partners, were set with the special clause within the agreement.
Signing (left) and celebrating (right) the institutional cross-border partnership, 14.10.2015, Vidin, Bulgaria
The partnership aims at strengthening the European dimension of education by encouraging the trans-national cooperation between the cultural institutions involved in the conservation, protection and harnessing of the national cultural heritage, improving the quality and quantity of learning foreign languages, promoting multiculturalism, cooperation and mobility in the education and cultural field as well as by encouraging innovation in terms of pedagogical methods and information techniques. It also aims to involve young audiences in the action of acknowledging the national identities of other European countries, members or non-members of the European Union.
Official project partner:
- HAEMUS – Center for scientific research and promotion of culture, Skopje (Republic of Macedonia)
- Mihalaki Georgiev Regional Library, Vidin (Bulgaria)
- Buzau County Museum, Buzau, (Romania)
- Library Cultural Center, Kladovo (Serbia)
- 10.12.2015 – signed agreement about ”Happy Grandma March Day 2016” project within the institutional cross-border partnership ”National Identities within the United Europe”
- 25.12.2015 – the exhibition itinerary was set: 01.03.2015 in Skopje, 11.03.2016 in Vidin, 15.03.2016 in Buzau
- 20.01.2016 – official web site of the ”Happy Grandma March Day 2016” project went viral on social media