Martinki Event in 2020 – General Overview

Capitol Mall and Residence was a venue for Grandma March day 2020

The traditional manifestation “Grandma March Day 2020” organized by HAEMUS was opened for the seventh time on February 26, 2020, at 12 pm on the first floor in the Capitol Mall in Skopje. The event was a part of activities related to the recognition of traditional ornament “martinki” as an Intangible Cultural Heritage inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List since 2017. The event was opened until March 1st, and despite the original hand-made amulets from Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Romania, the event was also be enriched with educational panels, a handicraft gallery of martinki and creative workshops for children.

– The status that UNESCO has granted to HAEMUS to safeguard the “Martinki” custom, which is an ICH inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List, is a huge responsibility for us as a civil society organization. For this purpose, the long-term project “Grandma March Day” was created to show that we respect the beliefs and customs related to martinki and nurture them in the spirit of tradition, in all forms and ways that would contribute to their wider promotion, education, and popularization – said Vasilka Dimitrovska, director of HAEMUS.

The traditional manifestation “Grandma March Day 2020” was organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the City Council of Skopje, Capitol Mall, and private donors, under the UNESCO motto for Open Educational Resources.

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