Martinki event 2017

In 2017 the Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture “HAEMUS” had the honor to invite the public again at the opening of an international exhibition devoted to the traditional amulets, martinki. This event is part of the activities for the international application to UNESCO for the recognition of the martinki as a world cultural heritage. The opening of the exhibition was scheduled for 24.02.2017 (Friday) at 12 o’clock on the first floor of the “Ramstore Mall-Center”.

The exhibition showed the original handmade amulets from Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania, fashionable amulets made by Fashion Studio ,,Maesta”, and archaeological visualization of the prehistoric origin of martinki through archaeological objects from the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. All of this was supplemented  with educational panels, projection of documentary films, sales gallery with handicrafts, and creative workshops for children.

The main partner of our 2017 exhibition was the local City Museum Kriva Palanka, and the event was done as always under the motto of UNESCO for Open Educational Resources.

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