HAEMUS part of the “Meet, See, Do conference 2024”


We would like to announce that Vasilka Dimitrovska, the Creative Director of HAEMUS, will be conducting a workshop for heritage professionals on interpretation, gamification, and storytelling at the Museum and Gallery Tivat, as part of the 'Meet, See, Do Conference 2024' organized by the Balkan Museum Network. Workshops Parallel Session 1 Engaging children and youth with storytelling and heritage gamified activities...

Имаш кутија? Направи си музеј


Добредојдовте во светот на креативноста, каде што едноставна кутија може да се претвори во возбудлива авантура! Дали некогаш сте се запрашале како можете да ја претворите вашата обична кутија во нешто необично? Подгответе се да ја употребите вашата фантазија додека се нурнуваме во прекрасниот свет на создавање ваш сопствен музеј во кутија! Зошто драги млади истражувачи да си направите музеј...

SheLeadersVR (Creative Europe) – Testing the AR application on locations


The SHE­Lead­er­sAR appli­ca­tion aims to visu­al­ize the places where the 5 queens used to live to the vis­i­tors on their mobile devices. Present­ly these loca­tions con­tain only more or less pre­served remains of cas­tles, church­es, palaces, and monas­ter­ies, so the vis­i­tors can hard­ly imag­ine how they looked in the past. The AR appli­ca­tion shows the 3D recon­struc­tions of those remains...

Inspiring and long-awaited training for Certified Interpretive Trainers


Exciting news! 🌍 Vasilka Dimitrovska, Creative Director of HAEMUS, recently participated in a special training organized by Interpret Europe to become one of the 20+ European trainers for heritage interpretation. In 2019 she earned the title of Certified Heritage Interpreter through accredited trainings by Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation. This marked the beginning of her unique professional journey,...

HAEMUS part of the UKLO Network


Today is World Science Day! On this occasion, at a solemn session and an event open to the media, Vasilka Dimitrovska, MSc., the director of HAEMUS, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the University "St. Clement of Ohrid" (UKLO) in Bitola, represented by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Igor Nedelkovski. This took place in the presence of esteemed professors from UKLO who...

HAEMUS became a member of the Balkan Museum Network


We are happy to announce that HAEMUS was welcomed as a new member in the Balkan Museum Network as a professional institution that takes care about the heritage. We look forward to our successful future collaboration! Link to the announcement: